Circles and systems of circles are forms that I keep returning to in my art.
On December 26, I started a project to create something circular (or circle-ish) every day. (It was going to be "every day in 2014" but once I had the idea, and expecially given goal #1, there didn't seem to be any reason to wait.)
This project has three goals:
1) momentum: do something creative every day, not just when I'm feeling "inspired"
2) experimentation: try new media and/or techniques
3) completion: to finish up some semi-circles hanging around my studio
You can follow my project at Some of the posts there are parts of larger projects; I'll write about them here and link to the blog post on tumblr.
So far I've tried out a bit of free-motion quilting, learned to make a circular applique using freezer paper, made a bunch of muslin barnacles, digiscoped, used found materials for a site-specific installation,* sewed some patchwork, and made a few circular doodles on days that I've been traveling or sick.
Have you started a similar project for 2014, or do you have advice from a past project?